Course Substitution


Please read the information below carefully and complete the requested information on the form. No petition will be heard without the written opinion of the appropriate Department Chairperson. It is the student's responsibility to contact the Department Chairperson.

Petition to Waive or Substitute A.A. Graduation Requirements

If you are asking for a course substitution, a copy of the substitution course syllabus is required. Also include a statement explaining what action you are requesting including special circumstances and reasons that would support your request for an exception. Make your statement as specific as possible. It is the student's responsibility to help the committee understand your specific individual circumstances. An exception to Academic Policy will be considered only in cases of demonstrated need and documented circumstances which support the potential for the student's future academic success.

If you are requesting a course substitution for a course that you took at another institution, please check with a transcript evaluator in the Registrar's office and request a re-evaluation of that course before you submit a petition.

How to Submit

This form should be submitted to the Academic Advisement Center, Northwest Campus Building R, Room 201.

  1. This petition should be typed or printed legibly in ink.
  2. The A.A. Petition Committee will meet weekly to make the final decision on all petition requests.
  3. Petition decisions will only be released through the college's notification system, which can be accessed in

Fill out the Form

Petition Process

The A.A. Petitions Committee provides an avenue by which students can request a course substitution and/or waiver of A.A. graduation requirements. Each request is considered on an individual basis.

A well-prepared petition will:

  • Thoroughly provide an explanation of your request and include a course syllabus, if you are petitioning to substitute a graduation requirement.
  • Contain supporting documentation relevant to the petition
  • Contain Department Chairperson's feedback. Feedback should be from the Department Chairperson for the subject area you are trying to substitute or waive.

Please note – the following types of requests cannot be approved.

  • Requests to waive the 25% rule.
  • Requests to waive or substitute a State Core Requirement.

Due to privacy and confidentiality guidelines, petition decisions will not be released via telephone or email. Notification of petition decisions will be sent through the college's official notification system, within 5 business days of the committee meeting.

Department Chairperson Information