Bus Service
Interested in riding the bus to campus? All currently enrolled SF students and staff
with a current SFID card can enjoy pre-paid unlimited access to all RTS Fixed-Route
Note: No fee required. Not valid on Special Services such as Gator Aider, etc. Santa Fe College is regularly serviced by the Regional Transit System (RTS) and buses stop on campus in front of S-Building. Here are some links to Gainesville's Regional Transit Authority to get you started.
The is owned and operated by the City of Gainesville, and SF contracts with RTS to provide fare-free transportation for students, faculty and staff. Get where you need to go quickly, avoid parking hassles, and save money – all by using RTS!
RTS Offers Bus Tracking App "GNVRideRTS"
RTS has a new app – GNVRideRTS – that offers information and tools to help users of RTS. GNVRideRTS is free and available for download in the Apple and Android app stores. There are also tutorials on how to use the app available at . Desktop users may utilize GNVRideRTS by navigating to .
For all official information and bus schedules, visit the RTS webpage at .