Assessment Glossary

Assessment Glossary Overview

Assessment Glossary (a work in progress)

AAC&U – Association of American Colleges and Universities

Assessment measure – a quantitative or qualitative measure that will be used to inform professional judgment on the extent to which the specified outcome has been achieved.

Assessment instrument – a means or device for obtaining data to determine the value or state of an assessment measure. Examples of assessment instruments include standardized tests, surveys, and assignments created by faculty for students (e.g. writing assignments, project assignments, problem sets, tests). Note: student-completed assignments, test submissions, and survey responses are considered data rather than assessment instruments.

Benchmark – a standard or point of reference against which learning or development may be compared or assessed. In terms of the VALUE rubrics, the benchmark is the lowest level of proficiency.

Capstone – the crowning achievement or final stroke in learning or development. In terms of the VALUE rubrics, the capstone is the highest level of proficiency.

Course-Level Student Learning Outcome – a statement, or a small interrelated group of statements, that describes in observable and measurable terms particular levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his/her engagement in an academic course.

Note 1: To describe learning in observable terms, state specifically what an observer can expect to witness a student do as a demonstration of the learning that has occurred.

Note 2: Refer to Bloom's Taxonomy to select a verb for each learning outcome that is in the appropriate domain (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) and level.

Data requirements – the facts, information, reports, and/or artifacts that will serve as input to the assessment process. It is necessary to gather or produce specified data requirements in order to assess an outcome according to its associated assessment measures and targets.

Direct assessment measure – an assessment measure whose value or state is determined according to direct evidence of attainment of the specified outcome or some aspect of the specified outcome.

Note: The value of a direct assessment measure for a specified student learning outcome is determined according to student work that demonstrates attainment of that outcome.

Formative Assessment – feedback, especially ongoing or iterative feedback, for the purpose of improving learning and student work relative to predetermined standards.

GELO – General Education Learning Outcome (defined in a subsequent entry)

GELO Planning and Assessment Form – An electronic form submitted by faculty at the end of an academic term on a per-class basis, providing

  • space for reflection on opportunities for improving instruction to achieve increased mastery of the general education learning outcome associated with the course
  • space for reflection on resources desired to achieve increased mastery of the general education learning outcome associated with the course

General Education Learning Outcome – a statement that describes in observable and measurable terms particular levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his/her engagement in the general education (associate in arts) program.

Note 1: To describe learning in observable terms, state specifically what an observer can expect to witness a student do as a demonstration of the learning that has occurred.

Note 2: Refer to Bloom's Taxonomy to select a verb for each learning outcome that is in the appropriate domain (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) and level.

Indirect assessment measure – an assessment measure whose value or state is determined according to something linked to (or thought to be linked to) the specified outcome or some aspect of the specified outcome. Note: Surveys and opinion polls can produce data for determining the value or state of indirect assessment measures, but not for determining the value or state of direct assessment measures.

Instructional Artifact for General Education – The single assignment or prompt an instructor used to generate student work associated with demonstrating level of GELO mastery, along with supporting information or instructions contained within the class syllabus or other relevant handouts. Lab manuals, portfolios, or progressive assignments may be considered single assignments.

LEAP – Liberal Education and America's Promise

LEAP Essential Learning Outcomes – LEAP Initiative learning outcomes describing what contemporary college graduates need to know and be able to do.

LEAP Initiative – a national advocacy, campus action, and research initiative that champions the importance of a twenty-first century liberal education-for individuals and for a nation dependent on economic creativity and democratic vitality.

Learning Environment Outcome – a statement that describes in observable and measurable terms particular levels of service within the learning environment or levels of support for learning resulting from the purposeful actions of the planning unit.

Learning Goal – a description in general terms of broad learning outcomes and concepts (what you want students to learn; e.g., clear communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, etc.).

Learning Outcome – a statement that describes in observable and measurable terms particular levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities that an individual has attained at the end (or as a result) of his/her engagement in a learning experience.

Note 1: To describe learning in observable terms, state specifically what an observer can expect to witness an individual do as a demonstration of the learning that has occurred.

Note 2: Refer to Bloom's Taxonomy to select a verb for each learning outcome that is in the appropriate domain (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) and level.

Milestone - An action, event, or achievement marking a significant change or stage in learning or development. In terms of the VALUE rubrics, milestones are the levels of proficiency between the highest and lowest.

Operations Outcome – a statement that describes in observable and measurable terms particular levels of service resulting from the major and ongoing operations of a planning unit.

Planning Goal – a description in general terms of broad planning outcomes and concepts (what you want to bring about through execution of an action plan; e.g. engaging learning spaces, tutor training program).

Planning Outcome – a statement that describes in observable and measurable terms particular levels of change to the learning environment, to support for learning, or to operations after (or as a result of) execution of an action plan.

Program-Level Student Learning Outcome – a statement that describes in observable and measurable terms particular levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his/her engagement in an academic program; such as a vocational certificate program, an associate in applied science degree program, an associate in science degree program, the associate in arts degree program, or a baccalaureate degree program.

Note 1: To describe learning in observable terms, state specifically what an observer can expect to witness a student do as a demonstration of the learning that has occurred.

Note 2: Refer to Bloom's Taxonomy to select a verb for each learning outcome that is in the appropriate domain (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) and level.

Reliable Assessment Measure – an assessment measure that allows for consistent conclusions regarding the extent to which an outcome has been achieved.

Note 1: The value of a reliable assessment measure will not vary from one rater to another.

Note 2: A reliable assessment measure is not necessarily a valid assessment measure.

Rubric – a set of consistent criteria and standards of performance linked to a particular outcome, generally arranged in tabular form. Rubrics are frequently used to convey expectations to students and to place their work on a qualitative scale.

Student Artifact for General Education – The single piece of student work (student-completed assignment, response to instructor's prompt, or the like) associated with demonstrating level of GELO mastery. Completed lab manuals, portfolios, or progressive assignments may be considered single pieces of work.

Summative Assessment – evaluation of student work for the purpose of judging it relative to predetermined standards.

Target – the value or state of an assessment measure that would indicate an outcome has been achieved.

Valid Assessment Measure – an assessment measure that allows accurate conclusions regarding the extent to which an outcome has been achieved.

Note 1: A valid assessment measure for a particular outcome is one that most experts can agree truly measures the outcome in question.

Note 2: The value of a valid assessment measure for a particular student learning outcome is determined according to level of mastery of that specific and isolated learning outcome. For that reason, student score on a test or test item(s) covering multiple learning outcomes is not considered a valid assessment measure for any single one of those learning outcomes.

VALUE – Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education builds on a philosophy of learning assessment that privileges multiple expert judgments of the quality of student work over reliance on standardized tests administered to samples of students outside their required courses.

VALUE Initiative – An AAC&U initiative involving teams of faculty and other educational professionals from over 100 higher education institutions engaged over many months to develop 16 VALUE rubrics for the LEAP Essential Learning Outcomes. Each rubric was developed from the most frequently identified characteristics or criteria of learning for each of the LEAP Essential Learning Outcomes.

