

Strategic Planning

Strategic Goals 2021-2024 Booklet Cover
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A highly collaborative, comprehensive strategic planning process positions Santa Fe College to advance the college mission and serves as a means for demonstrating institutional effectiveness. The centerpiece of the College's planning is the latest Strategic Plan, the culmination of open-invitation events for shared visioning, reporting on progress, and brainstorming current opportunities and challenges. Students, the academic community, local industry, and community needs guide the revision process of the College's mission statement, values, college goals, themes, and college-wide strategies upon which the strategic plan is based. Faculty and staff contribute to the design and achievement of the Strategic Plan.

Since 1985, strategic planning at the College has centered on five-year planning cycles and multi-year operational plans. The latest Strategic Plan and its accompanying initiatives are operationalized through integrated planning and resource allocation on an annual cycle with assessment conducted at the unit level. Units include educational programs, academic discipline areas, educational support services, administrative support services, and programs associated with research and service projects. Each planning unit links its planning and assessment processes back to the College's mission, goals, and strategic initiatives. Instructional programs as well as administrative and educational support services are systematically evaluated, a process documented through a centrally coordinated system responsive to the needs of the College, to promote continuous improvement.

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