

Wheelchairs and Strollers

Wheelchairs and strollers are welcome in the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium. The floor leading into the theater is flat with no inclines and no stairs.

Service Animals

Service animals are welcome at the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Pets are not permitted. 

Resources for Guests With Sensory Needs

Our objective is to provide an inclusive and seamless experience for all guests including those with sensory needs. 

Sign Language Interpreter Glow-in-the-Dark Hands

To accommodate our hearing impaired guests, we provide glow-in-the-dark gloves for guests who are accompanied by a sign language interpreter. Please notify us when you arrive so we have time to 'photo-charge' the gloves.

Show Captioning for fulldome presentations

We are also adding captioning to our full-dome presentations.  "Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity" was our first captioned show.  We're working on adding captioning to our remaining fulldome presentations.  Let our staff know when you'll be attending and for which show and we'll do our best to have the captioning ready when you arrive.