
Organic Gardening Fest and Sustainable Seasons Fair

November 24, 2009

The Saints for Sustainability, Sustainable Santa Fe, and Student Life are sponsoring a sustainability-themed fair on Thursday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the E Breezeway by the Student Organic Gardens. In addition to local businesses and organizations tabling to raise awareness about spending your holiday dollars locally, you can:

  • Ask questions of Master Gardener Sharon Dokter, of the Cooperative Extension Service, from noon-1 p.m. Her specialty is seed saving and organic vegetable gardening
  • Sample organic, homegrown veggie dishes starting at 11:30 a.m. until the food lasts
  • Music Professor Aaron Keebaugh will be playing bagpipes at noon
  • Meet representatives from Florida Organic Growers, Hogtown Homegrown, Slow Food Gainesville, Sweetwater Coffee, and more
  • In addition, students can decorate canvas shopping bags and plant narcissus bulbs as holiday gifts from 10 a.m. until supplies last
  • Local retailers such as the Brasington's Outdoor Outfitters, Bikes and More, the Harn Museum of Art Gift Shop and Alternatives will display gift items
  • The Santa Fe Bookstore will be tabling with their "green" items and Trenita White will display the Library's gardening and landscaping books

Classes, groups, and student organizations are welcome to join in. For more information, contact Julie Garrett, co-adviser, Saints for Sustainability, 395-5430.