
Annual Visual Arts Faculty Show

October 14, 2009

The Annual Visual Arts Faculty Show opens Friday, Nov. 20 and runs until Thursday, Jan. 14. The event is hosted in the art gallery in M-147 and is open from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The opening mixer is on Friday, Nov. 20 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Entertainment for the mixer is provided by the SFC jazz band and catering is provided by Blue Water Bay. A multitude of faculty from Santa Fe are contributing artwork this year.

Some of the faculty who contributed artwork for the show include:

  • Christine Thompson - acrylic paintings
  • Kate Murray - stoneware
  • Sue Jester - silkscreen and digital
  • Joanne Platte - mixed media
  • Peter Carolin - oil paintings and charcoals
  • Stacey Breheny - oil paintings
  • Patricia Telesco - metal works/jewelry
  • Ray Hale - digital and infrared photos
  • Matthew Newell - mixed media, drawing, and intaglio
  • Robert Malinowski - mixed media and colored pencils
  • Valerie Aslakson-Jennings - mixed media collage and oil paintings
  • Blake Harrison - acrylic paintings
  • Matt Shaffer - ceramics
  • Jonathan Frey - graphite and ink drawings
  • Leslie Lambert - bead work/jewelry