State Data Submissions Calendar

2024-25 State Data Submissions Calendar

Admissions Database (ADB)

Student Database (SDB)

Personnel Database (PDB)

Facilities – Fixed Capital Outlay Database- (FCODB)

Integrated Database (IDB) is self-generated from Facilities, Student and Personnel

Annual Salary and Fringe Benefits

July 5, 2024
Open date. Submission period begins for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB.

August 9, 2024
Load date. Colleges must load data for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB.

August 9, 2024
Open date. Submission period opens for summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B). Begin submissions period for summer end-of-term (1E) for the SDB, IDB, ADB, FCO, and PDB data.

August 12, 2024
If data has not been loaded for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB, the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

August 16, 2024
Close date. Submission period ends. Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB data must be loaded.

August 19, 2024
Certification form is due for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB. If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

August 20, 2024
If certification has not been received for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

August 21 – August 30, 2024
Data verification period for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB. Data resubmission will be allowed only through a request signed by the college’s President.

August 30, 2024
Adult education load date for summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B). Adult education data submitted by this date will be used for federal reporting. Continue to complete and correct adult education data through the close date for state reporting (SDB, IDB, FCO, and PDB)

September 3, 2024
Annual close date for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB. No data resubmission will be accepted. Resubmit certification form if changes were made in verification period.

September 3, 2024
Certification form for adult education load date data for summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B) is due.

September 6, 2024
Load date. All colleges must load data for summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B).

September 9, 2024
If data has not been loaded for summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B), the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

September 13, 2024
Open date. Submission period begins for Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB).

September 27, 2024
Close date. Submission period ends. Summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B) data must be loaded. This data is used for input to FTE-1 estimates process.

September 30, 2024
Certification form for summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B) is due. If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

October 1, 2024
If certification form for summer end-of-term (1E) and fall beginning-of-term (2B) has not been received, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

October 4, 2024
Load date. Colleges must load data for Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB).

October 7, 2024
If data has not been loaded for Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB), the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

October 18, 2024
Close date. Submission period ends. Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB) data must be loaded.

October 21, 2024
Certification form is due for Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB). If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

October 22, 2024
If certification form has not been received for Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB), the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

October 22 – November 8, 2024
Data verification period for Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB). Data resubmission will be allowed only through a request signed by the college’s President. Any data resubmitted during this period must be recertified.

October 18, 2024
Open data. Submission period begins for Annual Personnel Database (APR).

November 8, 2024
Load date. Colleges must load data for Annual Personnel Database (APR).

November 12, 2024
If data has not been loaded for Annual Personnel Database (APR), the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

November 12, 2024
Annual close for Annual (4E) Financial Aid (SDB). No data resubmission will be accepted. Resubmit certification form if changed were made in verification process.

November 22, 2024
Close date. Submission period ends for Annual Personnel Database (APR). Data must be loaded.

November 25, 2024
Certification for due for Annual Personnel Database (APR). If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

November 26, 2024
If certification form has not been received for Annual Personnel Database (APR), the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

November 26 – December 5, 2024
Data verification period for Annual personnel Database (APR). Data resubmission will be allowed only through a request signed by the college’s President.

December 6, 2024
Annual close for Annual Personnel Database (APR). No data resubmission will be accepted. Resubmit certification form if changes were made in verification period.

January 3, 2025
Open date. Submission period begins for fall end-of term (2E) and Spring beginning-of-term (3B) data and fall end-of-term (2E) Personnel DMS Salary data (PDB).

February 7, 2025
Load date. Colleges must load data for fall end-of term (2E) and Spring beginning-of-term (3B) data and fall end-of-term (2E) Personnel DMS Salary data (PDB). This data is used for input to FTE-2 estimate process.

February 10, 2025
If data for fall end-of term (2E) and Spring beginning-of-term (3B) data and fall end-of-term (2E) Personnel DMS Salary data (PDB) has not been loaded, the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

March 7, 2025
Close date. Submission period ends. Fall end-of-term (2E) data and spring beginning-of-term (3B) and fall end-of-term (2E) Personnel DMS Salary data (PDB) data must be loaded.

March 10, 2025
Certification form for fall end-of term (2E) and Spring beginning-of-term (3B) data and fall end-of-term (2E) Personnel DMS Salary data (PDB) due. If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

March 11, 2025
If certification form for fall end-of term (2E) and Spring beginning-of-term (3B) data and fall end-of-term (2E) Personnel DMS Salary data (PDB) has not been received, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

April 4, 2025
Open date. Official submission period begins for spring end-of-term (3E). All databases ADB, SDB, FCO, PDB, and IDB.

May 9, 2025
Load date. Colleges must load data for spring end-of-term (3E) ADB, SDB, FCO, PDB, IDB. This data is used for input to Fundable Post-Secondary Industry Certifications.

May 12, 2025
If data has not been loaded for spring end-of-term (3E) ADB, SDB, FCO, PDB, IDB, the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

June 13, 2025
Close date. Submission period ends. Spring end-of-term (3E) and data from any prior term resubmissions must be loaded.

June 16, 2025
Certification form is due for spring end-of-term (3E) ADB, SDB, FCO, PDB, IDB. If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

June 17, 2025
If certification form has not been received for spring end-of-term (3E) ADB, SDB, FCO, PDB, IDB, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

June 17 – June 24, 2025
First data verification period begins for spring end-of-term (3E) SDB. If errors are found or grade updates are required, data resubmission will be allowed through written request by the Reports Coordinator. If errors are found, resubmission of data will be allowed only with a request signed by the College President (ADB, PDB, IDB).

June 25 – July 2, 2025
Annual data verification period for spring end-of-term (3E) SDB. Data resubmission allowed only through a request signed by the college’s President. Any data submitted during this period must be recertified.

July 3, 2025
Annual close date for spring end-of-term (3E) ADB, SDB, FCO, PDB, IDB. No data resubmission will be accepted.

July 11, 2025
Open date. Submission period begins for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB.

August 15, 2025
Load date. Colleges must load data for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB.

August 18, 2025
If data has not been loaded for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB, the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

August 22, 2025
Close date. Submission period ends. Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB data must be loaded.

August 25, 2025
Certification form is due for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB. If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

August 26, 2025
If certification has not been received for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

August 27 – September 4, 2025
Data verification period for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB. Data resubmission will be allowed only through a request signed by the college’s President.

September 5, 2025
Annual close date for Annual Salary and Benefits (4E) PDB. No data resubmission will be accepted. Resubmit certification form if changes were made in verification period.

September 19, 2025
Open date. Submission period begins for Annual (4E) Financial Aid.

October 10, 2025
Load date. Colleges must load data for Annual (4E) Financial Aid.

October 13, 2025
If data has not been loaded for Annual (4E) Financial Aid, the Reports Coordinator is notified with a copy to the college’s President.

October 24, 2025
Close date. Submission period ends. Annual (4E) Financial Aid data must be loaded.

October 27, 2025
Certification form is due for Annual (4E) Financial Aid. If data has not been loaded, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

October 28, 2025
If certification form has not been received for Annual (4E) Financial Aid, the college’s President is notified with a copy to the Reports Coordinator.

October 28 – November 6, 2025
Data verification period for Annual (4E) Financial Aid. Data resubmission will be allowed only through a request signed by the college’s President.

November 7, 2025
Annual close for Annual (4E) Financial Aid. No data resubmission will be accepted. Resubmit certification form if changed were made in verification process.