
Board Meeting Agenda Item Submission


There are many items related to the operation of the College that must be approved by the Board of Trustees at one of their nine annual meetings.

If you are uncertain whether something needs to be approved by the Board of Trustees, check with your supervisor.

The agenda for every Board of Trustees meeting has three deadlines associated with it:

Deadline 1: Legal Review

Frequently, an item will need to be reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel before being placed on a board meeting agenda. Any item requiring this review must be submitted to the Office of the General Counsel by the legal review deadline for a given agenda. For more information on this process, see Legal Review Request.

Deadline 2: Item Title

The title of any item you wish to be on an upcoming board meeting agenda must be submitted by the item title deadline. Item titles should describe the item and be understandable to a broad audience (e.g. write out acronyms, etc.)

Deadline 3: Summary Statement and Supporting Documentation

A statement summarizing each item for which you submitted a title must be submitted by the summary statement and supporting documentation deadline. Additionally, any supporting documentation for the item must be provided. Supporting documentation may include contracts, rules changes, and ancillary reports, exhibits, or attachments not included within the summary statement. A summary statement is always required but supporting documentation is only required as applicable.

Item titles, summary statements, and supporting documentation can be submitted by emailing general.counsel@sfcollege.edu.