
Clock Hour Programs


Clock hour programs (sometimes called contact hour programs) are vocational or technical programs where the student's progress is measured by the number of hours spent in class or in hands-on training, as opposed to credits earned. In a clock hour program, each hour of instruction is considered to be one "clock hour".

Students who are enrolled in clock hour programs may be eligible for grants, scholarships, loans, or work-study programs to help cover their education costs. Visit the Ways to Pay page to explore the many options to pay for your program. 

Clock Hour Programs

How do I apply for financial aid for my clock hour program?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed to receive federal financial aid and some state aid programs. Complete the FAFSA as early as possible, as it can take time for the college to receive your application information and prepare a financial aid offer for you. Visit the Get Your Aid page for more information about the financial aid process. 

You are encouraged to apply for institutional and foundation scholarships by visiting the SF Scholarships page.

How much financial aid can I receive for my clock hour program?

The amount of federal financial aid you can receive is determined by the Student Aid Index (SAI) from your FAFSA.  View your financial aid offer on the Awards page in your Financial Aid Portal.  

To receive federal student loans in clock hour programs you must attend at least half-time, defined as 12 clock hours per week.

When will I receive my financial aid funds?

Once your tuition, fees, and other authorized charges (ex. book charging) are paid by your financial aid, remaining funds are sent to you through a process called disbursement (Student Refund). Make sure you set up your disbursement preferences through BankMobile by going to Manage Refunds under the Finances menu in eSantaFe. This is required for you to receive your remaining financial aid funds. 

Disbursements for clock hour programs work differently than traditional credit hour programs. In clock hour programs aid is earned through attending class and is disbursed upon completion of a designated amount of clock hours. 

Initial Disbursement

You may receive an initial disbursement of financial aid funds at the start of the program, once you have attendance marked by your instructor. You must have completed the financial aid process and have a financial aid offer on the Awards page of your Financial Aid Portal under the Finances menu in .

Additional Disbursements

Additional financial aid funds are paid based on completion of a designated number of clock hours. Clock hour attendance is evaluated on the 1st and 15th of each month to determine if a disbursement can be made. The hours that must be earned for a disbursement are based on the total length of the program. 

Students who do not complete the required number of clock hours to earn a disbursement should budget the funds they have already received to ensure they can pay for their course fees the next semester. 

Programs Longer Than One Academic Year

Your second disbursement will be paid upon completion of 450 clock hours. Further disbursements will be paid each time an additional 225 clock hours are completed. 

Programs Shorter Than One Academic Year

These programs pay aid in two disbursements, your initial disbursement at the start of your program and a second disbursement when 50% of the required clock hours for the program are completed. 

What Happens If I Withdrawal (stop attending) My Classes?

It is important for you to attend class regularly to remain in your program. If you officially withdraw from your clock hour program or stop regularly attending class (Unofficial Withdraw), you may be required to repay some of your financial aid. Repayment amounts are calculated based on how many clock hours you earned before your withdraw. If you are having difficulty earning your clock hours, speak with your instructor as soon as possible. 

What Requirements Must I Meet To Keep My Aid?

Students must make progress towards the completion of their program to continue receiving financial aid. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is evaluated on the 1st and 15th of every month when attendance is reported by instructors. Students who are not completing the hours necessary to finish the program on time can become ineligible for financial aid. 

Under certain circumstances you may be able to appeal to have your financial aid reinstated. If your aid is suspended due to SAP, contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.