
Federal Work-Study Handbook

Federal Work Study Overview

Federal work-study (FWS) is a program funded by both the federal government that provides part-time employment to students that display financial need. Eligible students have an opportunity to earn money to help with educational expenses while gaining valuable professional experience in college or community service jobs.


When discussing job opportunities with potential work study student employees, make sure to share some of the benefits of the program:

  • Allows students to earn money to pay for your educational expenses.
  • Provides opportunities to work in areas that are related to a student's program of study.
  • Supervisors are legally required to work around a student's class schedule.
  • Provides opportunities to develop professional skills, such as communication, time management and interpersonal skills.
  • Provides valuable experience, training, networking and references to build a student's resume.
  • Can lead directly to career opportunities with the college.


Federal Work Study eligibility is determined by the information on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Student's must meet general eligibility requirements for federal financial aid and the following additional requirements:

  • Indicate on the FAFSA that they are interested in Federal Work-Study.
  • Be Pell Grant-eligible for the applicable award year.
  • Be enrolled in 6 credit hours or more toward their program for the term (including mini-terms/sessions)
  • Have not reached the maximum financial aid you can receive for the year
    • Note: You may request to reduce your loans in exchange for Work Study
  • Pass a background check with SF Human Resources (HR)

Interested Students

Supervisors should have interested student complete the . If the Work Study Interest Form does not show on the application screen, they do not meet the eligibility requirements for Work Study.

As funds are available throughout the year, eligible students who completed the SF Work Study Interest Form will receive maximum Work Study funding.

Work Study Position Allocations

  • The process to determine work study allocations will begin each year in March during the annual budget process.
    • Departments with existing work study positions will be provided with a form to renew, add, or reduce their positions.
    • Departments with no positions can contact the Financial Aid Office to make a request.
    • Position allocations are reviewed by the executive leadership team (ELT) of the college. The ELT will determine final allocations based on staffing needs of the college.
  • Departments with approved positions need to submit:
    • a draft job description, limited to 255 characters.
    • the name of the designated direct supervisor whose position meets requirements for supervisory responsibilities. The supervisor will oversee their assigned work study students and ensure compliance with college, state and federal rules and procedures.
  • Position information will be posted on My FA Status for all students with work study awards. The position information displayed will include:
    • Job title
    • Summary job description
    • Suggested experience
    • Supervisor鈥檚 name and contact information.

Work Study Hiring Process


The Financial Aid Office does not place Work Study students. Once a student is provided work study funding they can go to My FA Status to view positions and contact the supervisors for the positions they are interested in.

Work study supervisors are provided a list in MS Teams that shows all students with FWS funds allocated to them. This list is updated twice a week. It can be used to contact students a supervisor is interested in interviewing.

Create the FWS Student Application

When the supervisor has decided to recommend a student for work study employment, they create the FWS Student Application using the following steps:

  • Type the student's SFID in the input box at the upper left corner of in eStaff.
  • Select the "Additional Information" menu group.
  • Select FWS Student Application.
    • The screen may say record not found, indicating no prior Work Study application.
  • Use the Job Number dropdown to select the job for which the student is applying.
    • You will only see jobs for which you are the supervisor.
  • Fill in the Job Certifier Number.
  • You have the options to input Job Skills and Work Experience for the student.
  • Click "Update" to create a work study application for the student
  • The Financial Aid Office will review the application within 5 business days. After Financial Aid reviews the application it is automatically forwarded to Human Resources (HR) for review and the student will receive a notification.
  • The student will receive another notification once HR has completed their review.
  • The Job Status field will show the following statuses throughout the process:
    • Blank until the Financial Aid Office reviews.
    • "P" (Pending) when the application is with HR for review.
    • "A" (Approved) or "T" (Terminated) once HR staff have reviewed the application.
  • The student is responsible for following up with the HR on-boarding process and communicating with supervisor to begin working.

Supervising Work Study Employees

Work study supervisors are responsible for:

  • Understanding and complying with college policies/guidelines and federal regulations regarding employment and the federal work study program. Contact Human Resources or the Works Study Senior Specialist in Financial Aid with questions.
  • Monitoring the student鈥檚 hours worked:
    • Students should not exceed 22 hour per week or they may run out of funding before their scheduled end date.
    • Students may not exceed 25 hours each week per college rules.
  • Ensuring the student鈥檚 work hours do not conflict with their class schedule.
  • Maintaining copies of the student's timesheets and sending a copy to the Financial Aid Office each pay period (FAProcessing@sfcollege.edu)
  • Immediately notifying the financial aid office by email (FAProcessing@sfcollege.edu) when a work-study student is released from their position (has been terminated).
    • The email must include the students last day of employment.
    • The supervisor should ensure that the final timesheet is complete and signed by the student. If the student abandoned the position, the supervisor may sign the timesheet, adding a note that they are signing because the position was abandoned.


Work Schedules

The supervisor should be aware of the student鈥檚 availability prior to offering a position. Work schedules should discussed and agreed upon by both the supervisor and the student. Students are not allowed to work during class time. If class is cancelled, the student may work by providing a note from the instructor.

Managing Hours

Supervisors and students are responsible for ensuring the amount of earned wages does not exceed the total work study funding listed on the Award Details screen in My FA Status. To prevent this students should not work more than 22 hours in a week. Exceptions must be approved by the supervisor who should calculate the students total hours/earnings up to that point and adjust future hours to ensure work study funding is not exceeded.

Additionally, college policy for part-time student employees does not allow them to work more than 25 hours per week.

Meal Times and Breaks

Breaks are scheduled at the convenience of the department and with the approval of the supervisor.

A student who works four consecutive hours is eligible for a 15-minute paid break. Students that work five consecutive hours are required to take a 30 minute unpaid lunch break.


Students must report the exact number of hours worked each week. Supervisors are responsible for verifying hours worked and ensuring the timesheet is accurate.

Timesheets must be completed electronically. Students and supervisors should sign and date the timesheet each pay period prior to sending the timesheet to FAProcessing@sfcollege.edu.