
Notetaker Service Procedure


The following steps outline the procedure for students, faculty, and volunteer notetakers to follow when arranging for notetaking services for students approved for this service.

Steps for Student

  • Meet with your instructor(s) and let them know you need a notetaker for class. At this time check with your instructor to see if online or instructor notes are available.
  • If no online notes or instructor notes are available, request a Notetaker Locator Form from front desk personnel at the Disabilities Resource Center (DRC).
  • Print your name and course information on the form.
  • Give the front (white) copy of the Notetaker Locator Form to front desk personnel in DRC.
  • Give the back (yellow) copy of the form to your instructor.

Steps for Instructor

  • We endeavor to protect the identity of the students receiving notetaking services. For that reason, do not identify the student needing services when you make the following announcement to your class:
  • "The Disabilities Resource Center needs a copy of notes from this class. We are looking for a volunteer from this class to provide notes. The notes need to be legible and need to be provided consistently throughout the term. Anyone interested in providing a copy of his or her notes from class is invited to talk with me as soon as possible"
  • After screening applicants, designate one person to be the notetaker for all students with disabilities in this class.
  • Have the designated notetaker return all Notetaker Locator Forms collected by you for your class to the Disabilities Resource Center in S-229.

Steps for Notetaker

  • Please deliver signed Notetaker Locater Form to the Disabilities Resource Center in S-229.
  • Be prepared to spend several minutes in S-229 to complete paper work and receive instructions on duplication and distribution of your notes.