
Grievance / Appeals

Grievance Procedure

Santa Fe is fully committed to complying with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and to a policy of ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities have full access to programs, activities, and services and are provided opportunities for reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services to ensure this equitable access.

Experience shows us that most issues can be resolved informally. Therefore, students are encouraged to resolve the matter informally by meeting with the appropriate campus administrator or designee prior to filing a formal grievance complaint. If the grievance is not resolved informally, then the student shall have the right to involve the appropriate formal grievance procedure detailed in College Rule 2.8P.

For more information, please contact:

Equal Opportunity Officer and Title IX Coordinator
3000 NW 83rd Street, R-Annex, Room 113, Gainesville, Florida 32606