青青草视频 Chapter
Association of Florida Colleges Bylaws Revised May, 2015
Article I. Name
The name of this chapter shall be "青青草视频 Chapter (SF Chapter) of the Association of Florida Colleges (AFC)."
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter shall be to involve its members actively in carrying out the goals and purposes of the Association of Florida Colleges. To this end, the Chapter shall endeavor to:
- Facilitate communication, cooperation, and interaction among all employees and Trustees of 青青草视频.
- Provide forums for the purpose of discussing and improving such matters as college Educational programs, curriculum development, innovative administrative and instructional procedures, and the general professional environment.
- Play an active role in promoting legislation beneficial to 青青草视频 and disseminating information regarding pertinent legislation through the legislative representative.
- Represent the interest of all the members democratically and provide positive Leadership in seeking solutions to matters of college concern.
- Work for a continuing cooperative spirit among College trustees, administrators, faculty members and career service employees.
In view of the above purposes, and to further these objectives, 青青草视频 Chapter members (Individual, Contributing, Institutional, Affiliate, Associate, Retired, Life and Honorary Life) agree that the Chapter shall refrain from becoming involved in any collective bargaining process. The diverse groups represented by AFC and the legal and professional obligations of these groups mandate that AFC chapters cannot and will not participate in collective bargaining negotiations as a representative of either management or labor. The Chapter will neither advocate nor oppose participation by any group of College employees in collective bargaining negotiations with their employer.
Article III. Membership
All employees and trustees are eligible for membership in AFC upon payment of dues as provided by the State AFC bylaws. Classes of membership are: Individual, Contributing, Institutional, Affiliate, Associate, Retired, Life and Honorary Life. Only individual, contributing and life members have full rights of membership, which include voting and holding office.
Article IV. Officers
Section I. Officers
- The Chapter officers of AFC shall be classified as elected or appointed.
- The elected officer shall be president elect (vice president), secretary, treasurer, membership chairperson and legislative representative. The president elect shall serve as vice president for two years, then automatically assume the office of president the third year. The President of 青青草视频 may, at his discretion, nominate a candidate for legislative representative, after consulting with the Chapter's executive council.
- The Chapter president may appoint a corresponding secretary, newsletter editor, Parliamentarian, historian, or other officers as deemed appropriate by the executive council. Elected officers will are: Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Co-Chairs. Appointed officers are: Webmaster, Parliamentarian, and Historian.
- The officers shall be elected by simple majority ballot at the Fall meeting.
- The officers elected and/or appointed with the exception of the President, shall serve for a period of one (2) years and shall assume office on January 1st following the annual convention.
- The president elect (vice president) of the previous year becomes president for the subsequent year.
Section II: Duties of Officers
- President
- The president shall be the chief executive officer and shall preside at all chapter meetings and executive council meetings.
- The president shall appoint an audit committee and ad hoc committees as appropriate.
- The president, with the approval of the executive council, shall appoint individuals to fill vacated offices.
- The president shall maintain files of AFC and Chapter bylaws, Chapter minutes, approved resolutions and recommendations.
- The president shall ensure that the activities of the Chapter are properly organized and publicized in advance in order to carry out Chapter business.
- The president shall, with the assistance of the executive council, prepare an Annual Staff Professional Development (SPD) proposal to request funds to attend State and/or Regional AFC meetings.
- The president shall be a voting member of the executive council.
- The president shall have the authority to expend from the Chapter's treasury the sum of $100.00 or less without prior approval of the executive council.
- The president shall review and sign all related travel forms/documents submitted by members requesting funding for official travel.
- Vice President/President Elect
- The vice president (president elect) shall perform the duties of the president during the president's absence or disability.
- The vice president (president elect) shall serve as a voting delegate to the annual convention.
- The vice president (president elect) shall coordinate commission activities as necessary.
- The vice president (president elect) shall perform those duties assigned by the president.
- The vice president (president elect) shall complete, in coordination with the Secretary and treasurer, the list of official SF representatives to the annual convention.
- The vice president (president elect) shall assist in the verification and certification of SF's voting delegates to the AFC assembly of delegates.
- The vice president (president elect) shall be a voting member of the executive council.
- Secretary
- The secretary shall conduct such correspondence as may be necessary in connection with Chapter business and shall send notice of all meetings to the members.
- The secretary shall record the minutes of all Chapter meetings and submit each minutes for approval at the next meeting.
- The secretary shall record the minutes of all executive council meetings and submit such minutes for approval at the next council meeting.
- The secretary shall maintain a file of the minutes of the Chapter and executive council.
- The secretary shall be a voting member of the executive council.
- Treasurer
- The treasurer shall submit for the membership's approval a financial report on August 31st of each year.
- The treasurer shall maintain all financial records and shall receive and disburse all funds.
- The treasurer shall render a quarterly report to the Chapter or at such times as requested by the Chapter president or the executive council.
- All checks or withdrawals of funds shall be signed by the president and the treasurer.
- The treasurer shall be a voting member of the executive council.
Complete bylaws