Newly Admitted Students
Step by Step Process
Option 1: W.A.V.E. (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment)
- Visit
- Type the following information into the appropriate fields:
- First Name, Last Name
- File Number (SSN)
- Password/PIN (first time users will use the last 6 digits of SSN)
- Click the link "Verify Monthly Enrollment Status."
- Review your training time status, and click "Submit Enrollment."
- The next screen will have you affirm that the information you have provided is accurate.
You are finished.
Option 2: Phone Verification
- Using a touchtone phone, dial 1鈥888鈥怗IBILL1
- When prompted, press the number 1 to verify the use of a touchtone phone.
- When prompted, press the number 1 to verify enrollment.
- When prompted, press the appropriate numbers for your VA file number (SSN), followed by the #.
- When prompted, press the appropriate numbers for the first five digits of your zip code, followed by the #.
- Wait to hear the phrase, "You are now certified through ..... You will receive this
payment within 7鈥10 days. Goodbye."
You are finished.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Who uses WAVE?
Answer: All prior active service members using the CH 30, 1606, and VRAP programs
Question: When can I verify my attendance?
Answer: On the last calendar day of each month.
Question: How long after I verify can I expect payment?
Answer: 7鈥10 business days