
Newly Admitted Students

Step by Step Process

Option 1: W.A.V.E. (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment)

  1. Visit 
  2. Type the following information into the appropriate fields:
    1. First Name, Last Name
    2. File Number (SSN)
    3. Password/PIN (first time users will use the last 6 digits of SSN)
  3. Click the link "Verify Monthly Enrollment Status."
  4. Review your training time status, and click "Submit Enrollment."
  5. The next screen will have you affirm that the information you have provided is accurate.
    You are finished.

Option 2: Phone Verification

  1. Using a touchtone phone, dial 1鈥888鈥怗IBILL1
  2. When prompted, press the number 1 to verify the use of a touchtone phone.
  3. When prompted, press the number 1 to verify enrollment.
  4. When prompted, press the appropriate numbers for your VA file number (SSN), followed by the #.
  5. When prompted, press the appropriate numbers for the first five digits of your zip code, followed by the #.
  6. Wait to hear the phrase, "You are now certified through ..... You will receive this payment within 7鈥10 days. Goodbye."
    You are finished.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Who uses WAVE?
Answer: All prior active service members using the CH 30, 1606, and VRAP programs

Question: When can I verify my attendance?
Answer: On the last calendar day of each month.

Question: How long after I verify can I expect payment?
Answer: 7鈥10 business days