PRAT Award Information
青青草视频 recognizes the importance of engaging students in learning. Therefore priority has been given to institutionalizing engagement initiatives that include learning communities, research in undergraduate education and service learning/civic engagement, within the context of the requirements of a practical liberal education.
The Provost's Research as Teaching (PRAT) Awards program provides the opportunity for faculty to develop specific plans for adding or enhancing research-oriented activities in their classes. Each award is worth up to $500. All full-time and part-time SF faculty are eligible to apply.
Note: Awards must be linked to the development of curricula that will directly benefit students.
Awards may be used to fund conference attendance, as long as the conference is linked to research in undergraduate education.
Funding priority will be given to proposals that support college initiatives-East Gainesville Initiative, International Education, My Brother's Keeper, and Sustainability-and that correspond to the mission and goals of the College's Division of Academic Affairs-especially, Alternative Learning Environments, Practical Liberal Education, and Leveraging the College's Strengths and Opportunities.
Award proposals will be reviewed by the Research in Undergraduate Education (RUE) Workgroup, who will make final award decisions. Awards will be administered through the Office of Academic Affairs.
For a copy of the application, please contact Ramona Miller-Ridlon at or Claire Orenduff at
Application Deadlines
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the semester.
The Award Review Process
The Award Review Committee (ARC) consists of 1 RUE Workgroup Co-Chair (non-voting), 1 RUE workgroup Co-Chair (voting), 1 RUE Workgroup Fine/Liberal Arts representative, 1 RUE Workgroup Sciences/Mathematics/Technical Programs representative, and 1 Academic Affairs representative.
All award proposals are reviewed following the application deadline. Once the deadline has passed, copies of the proposals are distributed to the ARC members. After two to three weeks for individual review, ARC members submit their numerical ratings to the non-voting RUE Workgroup Co-Chair to average. The ARC then meets to consider and discuss proposals.
During this meeting, applicants and their department chair / program director may offer comments and further explanation of the project.
Following all comments, the ARC members may re-rate proposals. The ARC then prepares a ranked list of projects and the amounts funded. The ARC may make one of three decisions:
- Fund in full as proposed
- Partial funding
- Revise and resubmit
The amount of funding available for projects and the number of projects funded is contingent upon the number and quality of proposals received and Academic Affairs budget availability.
All proposals which are not approved for funding may be revised and resubmitted at a future deadline. Applicants not approved for funding may request an evaluation of their proposal, to include comments about the merits and weaknesses of the application.
Proposals which are funded will be administered through the Office of Academic Affairs. Awards are paid following the completion of the project and submission of the Post-Award Self-Evaluation.
In accepting award funds, the applicants agree to complete a Post-Award Self-Evaluation within two months of completion of the project. Failure to complete the self-evaluation will result in non-payment of award funds and suspension from future award consideration.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the semester.