All Financial Aid Eligible SF Students for Spring 2025
December 20, 2024
Book charging period at 青青草视频 begins on December 20, 2024, and ends on January 14, 2025. This is a program that allows eligible financial aid recipients to charge textbooks and essential supplies directly to their financial aid through a Bookstore Line of Credit at the 青青草视频 Bookstore.
To qualify for a SF Bookstore Line of Credit, you must:
- Be eligible for and awarded financial aid.
- Be registered for classes in your degree program for the current term.
- Have authorized book charging in eSantaFe, by selecting "Book Charging" under the Finances menu. You can still authorize if you have not done so.
- Have sufficient financial aid to cover tuition and fees, with remaining funds available for books and supplies.
- For loans to count as available funds, you must have accepted the loans and completed the required loan documents.
More information is available at SFs book charging page.
Reminder: SF Classes Resume: Wednesday, January 8, 2025.