Notice of Amendment of Rules 7.19 and 7.23

December 18, 2023

December 18, 2023 - Notice of Rule Amendment: The District Board of Trustees of Santa Fe College, Florida, gives notice of its intent to amend Rules 7.19 and 7.23 at its regularly scheduled Board meeting on 02/20/24 at Blount Hall, 530 W University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601. For information on how to remotely attend the meeting, or to arrange to provide public comments at the meeting, please contact 352-395-5170 or general.counsel@sfcollege.edu at least 15 minutes in advance of the meeting per College Rule 1.4.

Rule 7.19 (Graduation with Honors). PURPOSE AND EFFECT: To update rule, including use of Program of Study GPA. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: FS 1001.64. LAW IMPLEMENTED: FS 1001.65, 1004.68; 6A-14.0261, FAC. Contact P. Locascio. 352-395-5170 or general.counsel@sfcollege.edu. Notice of Rule Development was published in the Alachua County Today on 11/16/23.

Rule 7.23 (Student Conduct Code). PURPOSE AND EFFECT: To update rule, including to meet the requirements of Florida law (FS § 553.865, the "Safety in Private Spaces Act"). RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: FS 1006.60, 1001.64. LAW IMPLEMENTED: FS 1004.097(3)(g), 1006.60, 1006.61, 1006.62, 1006.63, 790.115. Notice of Rule Development was published in the Alachua County Today on 10/26/23.

To obtain a copy of the proposed amendments or request a public hearing, contact P. Locascio at 352-395-5170 or general.counsel@sfcollege.edu within 21 days of publication of this notice (Published: Alachua County Today - December 21, 2023)