September is Campus Fire Safety Month!

September 18, 2023

September is a critical time for college students to think about fire safety. The Center for Campus Fire Safety reports that August and September have the highest occurrence of fire related fatalities in college student housing.

The equips students and educators with the tools and training to stay safe from fire-related emergencies worldwide. Your friendly guides can help college students protect themselves and their friends from harm by sharing the basics of fire prevention.

Smoke Alarms

The NFPA reports that the risk of dying in residential fires is 55% lower in residences with working smoke alarms than in residences without working alarms. Smoke alarms should be installed outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. Smoke alarms should be at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance to avoid false alarms when cooking. Test your smoke alarm every month and replace with new batteries as needed. If your smoke alarm makes a chirping sound, replace the battery immediately.

Fire Extinguishers

A portable fire extinguisher can save lives and property by putting out small fires. Fire grows and spreads rapidly, so prioritize getting everyone out of the building safely. To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS:

  • Pull the pin
  • Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire
  • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly
  • Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side

Escape Ladders

If you live above the ground floor, an escape ladder can provide an additional escape route in an emergency. Choose a ladder that is appropriate for your window and make sure any screens or bars are removable. Review the manufacturer's instructions and practice setting up the ladder from a first floor window. Store the ladder in an accessible location so you don't have to search for it during an emergency.

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