Sgt. Larry Cauthen Retiring from SF

May 31, 2023

May 31, 2023 – Sergeant Larry Cauthen is retiring from ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ after serving the college community for the last 17 years. Although he is retiring at the end of the month, his last day working will be Thursday, June 1.

In addition to his work at SF, Sgt. Cauthen has worked an additional 14 years with the High Springs Police Department.

In his career, Sgt Cauthen has received numerous commendations & has achieved many personal and agency accomplishments at the PD. Beyond the operational side, he also was instrumental in our first fleet replacement plan, created innovative holiday staffing models, was a leader in our CAD/RMS conversions, & participated in CPTED planning leading to the Blount Hall construction project. He also has extensive professional development in many LEO disciplines.

Later this month, he will return for formal recognition at the SFPD's "Walk of Heroes" located in Building T on the Northwest Campus.

It is a tremendous achievement when someone in the law enforcement arena completes a full career in this honorable profession as Sgt. Cauthen has done.

Congratulations Sgt. Cauthen!