Saint of Santa Fe | Radha Gomez Q&A

August 12, 2022

Featured Saint of SF Radha Gomez, current SF student pursuing an Associate in Science in Biotech Lab Technology, sits down with us to answer a few questions about her experiences and reasons for choosing SF.

If there was one question you would want asked of you, to tell your story, what would that question be? And what would be your response?

If you asked me, "Why are you like this," as my oldest brother so often does, I can turn it right back and blame it on him. He can in turn blame it on our mom. She asked me the other day why her kids were so weird, and not long after she stuck carrots in her teeth walrus style and made the weirdest witch cackle sound. She stopped, then she laughed delightedly saying she was the reason her kids were the way they are. And she's right. She gave us our weird cackle laugh, our off kilter humor, and our drive. Everyone in my family has struggled with past trauma, ADHD, and anxiety. Maybe she shared that too, but she most importantly shared her strength through example. We graduated together, me with my A.A. and her paving the way with her bachelor's. And now she's moving on to her master's, as I move onto my bachelor's. She is a tough act to follow, it's hard to feel as strong as she is, but I feel the most strong after pushing through my weakness and remembering again that she showed me weakness is a part of strength. In conclusion, I am the way I am because that's how my family is, and because of the support of my super intelligent and super weird mom.

How did you decide on your program of study at SF?

As silly as it sounds, I admired Spider-Man in his pursuit of science. It was the manner in which he took joy from it, and the passion he had in pushing to do it. I saw that his life was difficult and lonely, but he was full of life when it came to his hero work and studies. When I saw the future he was carving out for himself, I began to see what I wanted my life to be. I want to be busy, challenged and always learning something new. When I started my program, I became certain that's what science could offer me.

What are your aspirations for the future, long and/or short term?

Short term, I want to graduate with my Biotech Lab Tech A.S. in Fall 2022, and then continue on with my bachelor's while working in Biotech. And long-term, I see myself pursuing my Ph.D. in a related field. And after that, conduct experiments in space.

How has SF transformed your life?

At SF I have had the opportunity to grow into the audacious type of person who says they want to conduct experiments in space. I have been able to create a vision for my future, and at SF I have found a path to get there.

How do you hope to apply what you've learned to contribute back to your community?

The possibilities are endless in the field I want to go into. I may go into research like studying evolution through DNA sequences, or work in the industry to produce medicines, or do testing for diseases people could have. I think no matter what I do, I will be giving back, and I'm so excited.

Radha received the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship to attend SF and in addition to her studies participates in SF's Readers and Writers Club.

For more information about Emerging Technology programs at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ visit, www.sfcollege.edu/tech.