Saint of Santa Fe | Dominic Perry

July 9, 2022
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
Dominic Perry, A.S. Computer Information Technology, Class of 2021
Hometown: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Clubs: IT Club, Collegiate Veteran Society
Recipient of the 2018 Veteran Bridge Scholarship and the Board of Trustees Scholarship
"In previous jobs that lacked onsite IT personnel, I was usually the go-to person when it comes to computer issues due to my technical knowledge. From setting up new computers out of the box, figuring out minor software issues, router configurations, and helping coworkers solve the age-old question "why can't I get Wi-Fi"? So naturally, you would think that I was always interested in pursuing a career in this field.
Instead, I was initially focusing on acquiring a place in the Respiratory Therapy Program. Due to being a part-time student and working full-time, I was unable to complete the prerequisites needed to apply to that program on time. Needing to figure out my next move, I attended a presentation on ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ's Information Technology Education (ITE) programs held by Mr. Omar Jennings. During this presentation, I realized that my past experiences prepared me for this field, and I wanted to know more. I met with Mr. Jennings soon after his presentation and the rest as they say is history.
I am excited to have a career that I will never get bored of and is always evolving. There are so many different opportunities in the IT field that there is literary something for everyone.
I plan on continuing with my bachelor's and eventually my Master's degree. I would like to come back one day to ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ and teach what I've learned. I feel like it is my duty to help the next generation of IT students, to show them you can persevere despite facing obstacles. I readily admit that when I first started, going to SF, I wasn't a perfect student, but I persevered, pushed through and I was able to achieve my dreams.
The most important thing I've learned at SF that helps me in my current career is that it's ok to admit that you may not have the answer and it's ok to ask for help when needed. No one goes into a new job knowing everything and it's ok to make mistakes.
I am motivated to show my kids that it's never too late to pursue a goal and even though sometimes things don't go as planned you adapt, overcome, and achieve." - Dominic Perry
To learn more about the degrees available in Information Technology visit, SF will also be hosting a Summer Preview at the Blount Center in downtown Gainesville from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 16 where community members and prospective students can tour Blount Hall and speak to advisors about programs of study, financial aid and more.