Join a Workshop on Mindfulness Friday, Feb. 26
February 19, 2021
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
February 19, 2021 - During the pandemic, many of us working remotely have experienced zoom fatigue, isolation, body aches and general exhaustion. A great way to feel relaxed yet energized is through the practice of mindfulness. Join SF faculty member Manisha Ranade on Zoom for a hands-on experiential session of mindfulness. If you are curious and want to try it, want to share your experiences with mindfulness, or chat about meditation, please attend this workshop.
After a brief introduction into benefits of mindfulness, there will be a guided mindfulness practice followed by discussion and tips on how to incorporate mindfulness in your daily life. View this to get familiar. The session will run from 10-11 a.m. Friday, Feb. 26.
Please use this to join. The meeting ID is 201 418 759 and the passcode is Relax. You can also find this information on the .