July Fitness Center Calendar
June 30, 2020
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
July Fitness Center Calendar and Workouts Below
Ascending Circuit Workout
Reps Per Round: 5-10-15-20-25
- High Knees
- Mountain Climbers
- Jumping Jacks
- Push-Up Jacks
AMRAP Workout
Set a timer for 15 Minutes
- 15 Mountain Climbers
- 10 Jump Squats
- 15 Flutter Kicks
- 10 Push-ups Rest (No more than 60sec)
Plank Workout
30 seconds each exercise
- Forearm Plank
- Side Plank
- Side Plank Leg Raises
- Plank Jacks
- Plank Side Crunch
- Plank-Up
- Plank Hip Twists
Cardio Workout
30 Seconds Each Exercise – 3 Rounds
- Toe Taps
- Lateral High Knees
- Speed Skaters
- 180 Squat Jumps
- Reverse Lunges with Knee Drives
Descending Circuit Workout
Rounds: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- Pushups
- Mountain Climbers
- Jumping Jacks
4th of July Tabata – July 4 = 7/4 = 7 Rounds of 4 Exercises
Do each exercise for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Complete 7 Rounds
- Jump Squat
- Plank Jacks
- Burpees
- Mountain Climbers
- 7/2 –
- 7/9 –
- 7/16 –
- 7/23 –
- 7/30 –