
Community Resources

March 17, 2020

For help with GRU bills:

https://www.gru.com/MyHome/ManageMyBill/PaymentAssistance.aspx (Links to an external site.)

For help in Alachua County:

https://alachuacounty.us/videoarchive/Pages/VideosByDepartment.aspx?d=Community+Support+Services (Links to an external site.)

For help in general throughout our community:

/counseling/community-resourcesLinks to an external site.
https://pediatrics.med.ufl.edu/patient-care/community-resources/food-clothing-utilities-emergency-financial-services/ (Links to an external site.)
https://www.thehelplist.com/co/fl-alachua (Links to an external site.)

United Way Resources:

Community members seeking assistance can dial 2-1-1 or 352-332-4636 to get connected with local resources.