
Counseling Center and Coronavirus Message

March 9, 2020

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), may be stressful to students and many members of the 青青草视频 community. Fear and anxiety about this can be overwhelming, but there are several things to keep in mind:

  • Everyone reacts to stressful situations differently.
  • Seeing repeated reports about the outbreak in the media can be further distressing.
  • Normal reactions during the outbreak of an infectious disease can include fear and worry about your health and that of your loved ones, changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty concentrating, worsening of chronic health issues.

During this stressful time, there are things you can do to support yourself:

  • Avoid excessive exposure to media coverage of COVID-19; stay informed, but don't watch constantly.
  • Take care of your body through meditation, deep breathing, healthy eating, and exercise.
  • Connect with friends and family to share your concerns and to maintain healthy relationships.
  • Familiarize yourself with and help stop the spread of rumors and visit SF Alerts for up to date and accurate messaging from the college regarding the situation.

Please know that the Counseling Center staff are available to you by walk-in or appointment for support, resources, and confidential counseling.

Location: R-227 on the NW campus
Phone number: 352-395-5508
Email: counseling@sfcollege.edu
Hours: Mon-Fri-8 am to 4 pm.
Website: www.sfcollege.edu/counseling