John Chapman Retirement Celebration is This Friday

November 20, 2019

November 20, 2019 – Please make plans to attend the upcoming retirement celebration for John Chapman, who has served ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ for 31 years. He has been the director of Information Technology Services (ITS) for the last 14 years and is a primary architect of the homegrown ERP system that has powered so many innovations at SF. With his leadership, ITS has created an impressive array of technology solutions focused on student success, such as SF's degree audit, MyStatus, and My FA Status.

John began his career at the college in 1988 as a Programmer/Analyst. His responsibilities have increased steadily through the years, resulting in service as Senior Programmer/Analyst, Systems Coordinator, Senior Systems Coordinator, Manager and Director of ITS. He has distinguished himself consistently as a colleague with "jam-up" skills, a keen eye for standout projects and people and unflagging good cheer.

The reception will be held in the President's Lobby from 2 – 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22. Please join us in honoring John in his retirement.

For more information, please contact Cheryl Farrell at 352-395-5181 or cheryl.farrell@sfcollege.edu.