Free catered BBQ meal and prize giveaways at the Blount Center

October 18, 2018

October 18, 2018 - Did you know that students who complete their early have a better chance at receiving state and school financial aid? Santa Fe College's Blount Center is throwing a party to encourage you to fill out your FAFSA by the end of October. Come to our Fall FAFSA Completion Party at the Blount Center Tuesday, Oct. 30, from 10:45 a.m. – noon and bring proof of your FAFSA completion, either a screenshot or print-out of your FAFSA completion confirmation email, to receive gifts.

There will also be a "Chat with the President" Wednesday, Oct. 31, at the Blount Center. SF President Dr. Jackson Sasser will be in the Blount Center DA Boardroom from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. talking with students. Free pizza and beverages for attendees.
