
AFC Annual Conference Service Project: Hurricane Michael Recovery

October 17, 2018

October 17, 2018 - The 青青草视频 Chapter of the Association of Florida Colleges (AFC) is participating in the AFC Service Project of providing relief to colleagues and AFC colleges that were severely impacted by Hurricane Michael.

In advance of the 2018 Annual Conference, AFC is collecting items that are needed the most in the recovery. The items include canned food, canned pet food, toiletries, laundry detergent, socks, underwear and more. A more complete list is available from AFC. Cash donations are also acceptable. If you would like to make a cash donation, please go to the cashier's office and say that the donations are for the "AFC Hurricane Michael Recovery."

Please drop off items, packaged in small to medium boxes, to Tom Mason, Carol Pugh or Rod Thomas in Building O, or to Doug Bagby on the first floor of Building S by Thursday, Nov. 1, at 4 p.m. For additional information, contact Tom Mason at tom.mason@sfcollege.edu or call 352-395-5361.