History This Week @ Santa Fe

July 18, 2016

July 17, 1991 – SFCC, AC school board gets grant to build job-training program.

July 18, 2003 – Gator Sports camps start today at SFCC. The two-day camps are dedicated to sports exploration for adults with physical disabilities to improve their quality of life.

July 18, 1968 – According to the Gainesville Sun, SF plans course to train Auto mechanics.

July 18, 1993 – Housing authority donates $30,000 to SFCC for scholarships for residents of housing projects.

July 19, 1985 – Board approves the plan for an on-campus theatre which would also be available for community use.

July 19, 1993 – Portia Taylor (SFCC provost of educational centers, downtown center director, host of "reflections") profiled.

July 20, 1968 – According to the Gainesville Sun, "Some Learn, Some Earn" at SFCC. Some students at SFCC are not only learning a trade, but they are getting paid while learning. They are being paid $1.50 an hour.

July 20, 1991 – SFCC program gives disadvantaged/teens with disabilities career guidance.

July 22, 1993 – SFCC students help repair J. Smith's roof, damaged in "storm of the century".

July 22, 1998 – According to the Gainesville Sun, Barnes and Noble to run SFCC bookstore.

July 23, 2004 - According to the Gainesville Sun, SFCC student Roberto Rosaly prepares film shot in Gainesville for premier at Hippodrome "No Control."