History This Week @ Santa Fe

July 5, 2016

July 3, 1994 - Housing authority/Higgins scholarship plan helps low-income residents go to SFCC.

July 6, 1968 – According to the Gainesville Sun, $68,000 in federal grant for the 1 air pollution control program in a Community College in the US has been approved to start at SFCC.

July 6, 1968 – According to The Gainesville Sun, SFCC New Board of Trustees, shift from county boards of public institution to district boards of trustees.

July 8, 2004 – Bradford, New Courses – PC Basics, Contemporary Math, Dance Fundamentals, 1 Response, Old Testament and Telegraph Religion, Intro to Astronomy.

July 9, 1998 – According to The Gainesville Sun, SFCC to offer classes over internet.

July 10, 1992 – SFCC raises tuition from $29. 00 to $33.00 per credit for Florida Residents.