
Financial Aid Awareness Week begins Monday

March 20, 2015

Financial Aid Awareness Week 2015!

March 23rd-27th

During Financial Aid Awareness Week March 23-27, knowledgeable Financial Aid staff will be able to help students with financial aid questions and help set out on a good financial path. Students will also have the chance to win fun prizes and enjoy some free food!

Check out our events each day from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.:

  • Monday, 3/23: Ask a Specialist and Financial Aid Trivia in the Courtyard
  • Tuesday, 3/24: Financial Aid with a View, Financial Speaker in the Rock Garden (in front of Library)
  • Wednesday, 3/25: Financial Aid - Palooza with Jazz on the Lawn, Oak Grove
  • Thursday, 3/26: Ask a Specialist and Financial Aid Trivia in the Breezeway
  • Friday, 3/27: Ask a Specialist and Financial Aid Trivia in front of Building E

We'll also have FAFSA help in R-226 each day this week for students and potential students who haven' filled it out yet.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Rabecca Hall at rabecca.hall@sfcollege.edu or 352-395-5476.

See you there!