AFC Election Results

December 10, 2014

The results are in and …. Congratulations to our new officers!!

  • Jesse Vander Biezen - Secretary
  • Carol Wilson - Treasurer
  • Jason Frank - Membership co-chair
  • Carol Pugh - Membership co-chair

I hope those that ran but were not elected continue their interest in AFC leadership and all AFC activities. We need you too! 

Tom Mason, President 

Your 2015 AFC Executive Board Officers are:

President,  Tom Mason
Vice President, Rebecca Rogers
Past President,  Debbie Blair
Past President,  Debi McElroy
Secretary,  Jessica Vander Biezen
Treasurer,  Carol Wilson
Membership Co-Chair,  Carol Pugh
Membership Co-Chair,  Jason Frank
Legislative Liaison,  Chuck Clemons
Historian,  Chris Parks
Parliamentarian,  David Price
Websmith,  Barbara Fields