
Bijin to Bishonen - A Visual Exploration

August 3, 2014

Bijin to Bishonen is a nuanced visual exploration of ideals of feminine and masculine beauty and the intersections of gender roles in Japanese culture. Synthesizing the traditional with the contemporary, displays of imagery and objects associated with dress, performance art, sport, and culture create and complicate perspectives about Japanese history and media. Contemporary advertisements juxtaposed with traditional woodblock prints and a collection of Kimonos highlight the rich history and similarities in culture and gender expression that have endured time, and western influence. However, these collections also expose themes of consumption, objectification, stereotyping, and acculturation.

This unique and thought provoking exhibit will be on display in the Santa Fe Gallery from August 5 through September 12. There will be a reception on Friday, September 5, from 7-9 p.m. This and all gallery events are free and open to the public. Please contact the gallery office at 352-395-5464 0r kyle.novak@sfcollege.edu with any questions.

Hairstyle Postcard