CROP in need of Donations to "Give Back"

August 28, 2013

The College Reach-Out Program (CROP)  is giving back to the community by collecting hygiene items for people of color. Please join hands with us, and help us help others.

Donations can be dropped off  Aug. 26 - Oct. 25 at the Blount Center in rooms DA and DC or at the Northwest Campus in I-46. Items needed include:

ï‚· Shampoo

ï‚· Conditioner

ï‚· Hair Dressing

ï‚· Oil Sheen

ï‚· Styling Gel

ï‚· Deodorant

ï‚· Lotion

ï‚· Toothpaste

CROP @ SF is a grant funded project that prepares middle and high school students for college. For more information, contact Tarcha Rentz at 352-395-5268.