
Campus Events Aug. 26 - 31

August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013
Catholic Charities Pancake Breakfast Food Drive
Help stock the pantry shelves by donating nonperishable food in the Building S  lobby now through Aug. 27. Students interested in attending a Pancake & Bacon Breakfast to deliver donations are invited to travel by Student Life van to Trinity United Methodist Church on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Space is limited. RSVP with Kimberly Buchholz, Office of Civic Engagement & Service Specialist, S132, at kimberly.buchholz@sfcollege.edu.

Christians On Campus Weekly Meeting
Christians On Campus will meet every Monday for fellowship and reading the Bible from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in S-326.

UF Coll. Agricultural and Life Sciences Walk-In Advising, ALL MAJORS
Walk-in advising for ALL College of Agricultural and Life Sciences majors by advisor Charlotte Emerson, 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the UF@SF Center, HA132. Learn about transfer admission requirements, the application process, specializations and career prospects for CALS degree programs. For more information contact julie.crosby@sfcollege.edu or 352-381-7137. Announcements of this and other events are also posted on our Facebook page; 'Like' us to receive updates!

August 27, 2013
Last day to drop with no record and receive a refund for Fall
Nursing Student Organization General Meeting
The Nursing Student Organization general meeting will be for all members. We will discuss upcoming events for the new year, including Just Shoe It, Five points of Life, Tabling and March of Dimes. This meeting will be every third Tuesday from noon - 1 p.m. in WA-104.
Society for Nerds Meetings
Society for Nerds will meet every Tuesday from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. in S-318.

UF College of Business Walk-In Advising Session
Meet with an advisor from the Heavener School of Business, UF. Learn about transfer requirements, the application process, prerequisites, degree specializations and more. Advising is first come, first served, anytime between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. at the UF@Santa Fe Center (HA132). For more information contact julie.crosby@sfcollege.edu or 352-381-7137.

Greedy Reader Book Club
August 28, 2013
UF Air Force ROTC @ SF Walk-In Advising
Lt Col Kevin Crocco will provide one-on-one advising for the partnership program between Santa Fe and the UF Air Force ROTC from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. in the UF@SF Center, HA132. For more information, contact julie.crosby@sfcollege.edu or (352)381-7137. Announcements of this and other events are also posted on our Facebook page; 'Like' us to receive updates! www.facebook.com/uf.sf.center

Queer Straight Alliance Meetings
Queer Straight Alliance will meet every Wednesday from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in  S-316.

BCM Meeting
Baptist Collegiate Ministries will meet every Wednesday from 11:45 a.m. -  2:15 p.m. in S-149.

August 29, 2013
UF College of Journalism and Communications Walk-In Advising Session
Meet with an advisor from the College of Journalism and Communications from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. to learn about transfer admission and application requirements, majors and specializations, scholarship opportunities and more. Information is available about the majors of the College's four departments - Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations and Telecommunication.

August 30, 2013
Global Society Weekly Meeting
Global Society will meet every Friday from 2  - 4 p.m. in M-140 to discuss events, upcoming conferences, and volunteering opportunities.
UF College of Education Walk-In Advising Session
Robin Rossie, advisor for the UF College of Education, will provide walk-in advising in the UF@Santa Fe Center, HA132, from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Now is the time to review your application for spring and get all the information you need to be a successful applicant. For more information contact julie.crosby@sfcollege.edu or 352-381-7137.

Florida Skies: Summer - 7 p.m.
Join James Albury, co-host of the PBS TV Show "Star Gazers" (http://www.stargazersonline.org) as he takes you on a personally guided tour of our night sky, using our GOTO Chronos Space Simulator. Florida Skies is our weekly star show that familiarizes you with some of the popular constellations visible from sunset to sunrise, as well as the stories behind them. We'll also show you how and where in the sky you can find the brightest planets. (A Kika Silva Pla Planetarium production) [Show length: 60 minutes], All Ages

Music 360: Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - 9 p.m.
Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" is a classic album that everyone loves. Combine that with amazing visual effects, and you have an absolutely amazing show that no one should miss.[Show length: 43 minutes, Age: 8+] (A production of Starlight Productions) Admission for this "Music 360" show is $10.00 for everyone, regardless of age or Santa Fe College affiliation.

August 31, 2013
Library Closed - Labor Day
Zula Patrol: Under the Weather - 3 p.m.
From the far reaches of outer space, from the bright orange planet Zula, comes the Zula Patrol! Learn about weather on different planets as the Zula Patrol helps unravel another mystery! Based on the highly-acclaimed Zula Patrol TV series www.zula.com airing on PBS affiliates nationwide, Zula Patrol: Under the Weather is a must-see for audiences of all ages. [25 min] Ages 3+ This show was purchased through a grant from Venture Realty of North Florida

Black Holes - 5 p.m.
Currently in distribution to more than 25 fulldome theaters worldwide, narrated by Academy-Award nominated actor Liam Neeson, Black Holes: the Other Side of Infinity brings the current science of black holes to the dome screen.  (Thomas Lucas Productions in collaboration with Denver Museum of Nature & Science, NOVA and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications) [25 min] All ages. This show was purchased through a grant from Venture Realty of North Florida

Music 360: U2 - 9 p.m.
In March, 2008 Clark Planetarium Productions launched a new, much-anticipated, music entertainment show featuring one of the greatest bands of the last two decades. And now it is available to North Central Florida audiences without the need to travel to Utah to see it! "U2" is the first ever full-dome production featuring U2's timeless classics and modern hits. (A Clark Planetarium Production) Ages: 13+ Admission for this "Music 360" show is $10.00 for everyone, regardless of age or 青青草视频 affiliation.