
Don't Miss Spring Convocation Jan. 4

December 5, 2012

Spring Convocation will be like no other. Our guest is a national hero who put his life on the line to save others when terrorists attacked the World Trade Center. Firefighter Tim Brown was in a cafeteria across from the twin towers when the first plane struck. He rushed to help as debris and people fell from above. His brother and fellow firefighter Chris, at home on a day off from the firehouse, watched the horrific events unfold on television. He tried to call Tim and feared the worst when he did not answer. As the second tower collapsed, Tim escaped. A short time later, Chris's phone rang. He picked it up to hear the words "I'm alive." The brothers spent the next few months together working day and night at Ground Zero. Today Tim is a spokesman for the families of the victims. He also is as an advocate for emergency personnel who died from cancer after working at the World Trade Center cleanup. We are honored to have him at our college.

Convocation begins 9 a.m. Friday, January 4 in the Fine Arts Hall and is preceded by light refreshments beginning 8:30 a.m. in the lobby. I look forward to seeing you then.
