AFC Teleconference 3 p.m. Today

November 26, 2012

From Mike Brawer – AFC CEO:

This is a reminder that we are going to conduct a statewide teleconference (no video or satellite) on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 3 p.m. to discuss issues regarding the proposed revision to State Board Rule 6A-14.0411, Issuance of Continuing Contracts. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW CALL IN INFORMATION BELOW. The purpose of this teleconference is to review the proposed changes to the rule and discuss their implications. As you know, the AFC had been integrally involved through the process of revising the rule in conjunction with the Council of Presidents and the Division of Florida Colleges. This involvement extended through Version 7 of the revision drafted by the COP, however the AFC was not included in the additional revisions included in this version of the draft provided by the Division of Florida Colleges and that is attached herein. Despite some verbiage revisions, there does not appear to be any significant departures contextually from the final COP version we previously vetted, however, some areas of the post-tenure review criteria are of concern. I will be attending the Rule Workshop on 11-29-12 at Seminole State College and hope to use your input in my address.