I Voted, Did You?

October 29, 2012


Student Life, the Office of Civic Engagement & Service, and The Democracy Commitment are launching an "I Voted, Did You?" campaign.

We have purchased a large number of oval stickers with the message, and hope to have them given to students and staff throughout the college. This campaign is designed to raise awareness of voting in general, with the hope that students and staff will see others wearing the stickers, and will be encouraged to vote, too.

We are creating a flyer with the" I Voted, Did You?" message, along with a "Get Your Sticker Here" statement.

Please Email me if you would like your office to have stickers to hand out and a flyer (or 2) to promote the campaign. We will be distributing these on Tuesday, Oct 30. We hope to have at least 20 offices across the college – including the Educational Centers – participating in this project and handing out stickers. Thanks. –Dan

PS: Don't forget – early voting started this weekend!

Dan Rodkin