Get Published in the Daily

September 18, 2012

Communications and Creative Services is hosting a DIY Publication Seminar, and you are invited.

DIY Publication Seminar
Thursday, September 20
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. in P-266

We know you have some fantastic events and programs planned for the year ahead, and ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ faculty and staff need (and want) to know what's going on in your department or campus group. That's where the Daily comes in. The most effective way to publicize to the Santa Fe community all the amazing stuff your department or group does is to have the Daily do it for you. That's where DIY Publication comes in.

This seminar will introduce you to WordPress, the software used to publish the Daily (software YOU can use), and let you in on the secret to getting the word out about your events, offers, department successes and special programs.

If you would like to attend and learn how to publish your items in the Daily, please RSVP to today@sfcollege.edu.