
Honors Profile: Ann Laffey

June 28, 2012

Ann Laffey enrolled at SF in 2002, twenty years after dropping out of high school, earning a GED, and starting a family. While attending Santa Fe, Ann earned an Honors Program Scholarship and was also on the Dean List and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. She tutored students in General Anthropology and Archaeology, was a student instructor for Prof. Donna Waller's History classes, and volunteered at C.W. Norton Elementary with remedial reading students. She also participated in a group study abroad to Peru where she traveled the ancient Inca trail in the Andes Mountains and the grounds of the Machu Picchu.

After graduating from Santa Fe in 2005 and being named to the Hall of Fame, Ann transferred to the University of Florida, where she majored in Anthropology and Latin American Studies. She was named a 2006-07 University Scholar for her research studying the descendants of the Mochica and the bones and artifacts of this ancient Peruvian people. She has earned her B.A. and M.A. in Anthropology and is currently continuing her PhD studies at UF in Archeology. Her current project utilizes archaeochemistry to study the consumption and production of chicha (maize beer) in the ancient Andes as it relates to statecraft.