
Last Day for Personal Health Risk Assessment

March 30, 2012

All full-time employees who participate in the Personal Health Risk Assessments offered by BCBS of Florida will receive a free chair massage and a voucher for a free Santa Fe Subway healthy lunch. Today is the last day, but you still have time to schedule your appointment.

Participants in the wellness incentive program earn incentives for engaging in a variety of wellness related activities. You can earn a $25 reward certificate, redeemable at a variety of local vendors. Then, by participating in various activities outlined on your personal BCBS website you will earn points toward your next $25 incentive. Employees who continue their participation can earn an additional $50 reward certificate for 2012.

If you have any questions or need assistance in scheduling an appointment please contact the Human Resources Benefits Office at 352-395-5191 or 352-395-5066.