
Grants Available from the International Education Office

January 23, 2012

The International Education Office is offering three grant opportunities. The first has been offered in the past and will continue for the following year. This is the grant to support the creation of a new study abroad program.

A second grant will be available to support a faculty member who wants to train to sustain a currently offered study abroad program.

Applications for both these grants are due Jan. 30 (extended from Jan 20).

The third grant opportunity is to internationalize curriculum. Applicants will submit a proposal for the funding of activities that support the integration of international material into course curriculum. Activities to be funded could include travel, purchase of equipment such as video cameras, or purchase of software. The application for this grant will be due on Feb. 20.

If you are interested in learning more or receiving an application for any of these opportunities, contact Allison Nyamuame at 395-5607.