International Education Week
November 7, 2011
Monday, November 14
2:00-3:00PM – Study Abroad Fundraising Meeting
Location: B-216 (next to the International Education Office)
The Santa Fe "World Travelers" are sending in the paperwork to become a student organization. This group of SF students is going on study abroad programs in 2012 and is looking for ways to fundraiser for their programs. Any student wanting to go on any study abroad program (even one in 2013) is welcome to participate. Come to the meeting to discuss how money will be distributed and what types of fundraising should be done.
Tuesday, November 15
9:30 AM – Student Blue Ribbon Presentation
Location: Fine Arts Hall
Students whose projects are designated as Blue-Ribbon award winners will have the opportunity to present their research to a panel of judges and general audience. The very best projects will receive awards on Friday afternoon, ahead of the keynote address.
10:00 AM – 2:00PM – Study Abroad Information Table
Location: S-breezeway
Talk to some of the faculty members leading the programs. Get an overview of the program details and timeline from students who went last year, and students planning on going next year. Learn about where you can travel to with Santa Fe, what you can study, support for funding the program, and get other questions you have answered. Studying abroad is an excellent way to gain experience and knowledge from a perspective that you can't get at home.
11:00 AM – Speaker Steve Lodle (World Humanities Expo)
Location: Fine Arts Hall Theatre
"Journey to the Sacred Mountain: Across the Himalayas from Kathmandu to Kailash"
Across the roof of the world, a Himalayan passage from Nepal to Tibet will be described with an emphasis on the culture and recent history of the Himalayan people. The journey's goal was to travel through remote western Tibet to reach Mt. Kailash, a major pilgrimage site for Buddhists and Hindus. Mt. Kailash is the source of Southern Asia's main rivers, the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus. From along their banks the civilizations of India, Nepal and Pakistan developed.
1:00- 2:30 PM – International Food Festival
Location: S-29/30
Taste exotic food from the cultures of Asian, European, African and Latin American countries. Learn about Eating manners and utensils in other countries that may be different from our own. Sponsored by the Multicultural Student Center.
2:00PM – Speaker John Kaplan (World Humanities Expo)
Location: Fine Arts Hall
"Not as I Pictured It"
Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer John Kaplan was at the top of his world. Never before ill, he was used to documenting the life ordeals of others. But when suddenly diagnosed with a rare case of potentially deadly Lymphoma, it was a blind side.
Turning the lens on himself, Kaplan's remarkable imagery takes us beyond his despair and through his powerful belief that he can, and must, beat it.
3:30-4:30PM – China Study Abroad Info Session
Location: P-262
Santa Fe has a connection with Beijing Union University and will be taking a study abroad program there during the summer of 2012. Come hear about the general education credits you can earn, what you would do, and the Santa Fe Study Abroad scholarship. You will have a chance to have your study abroad questions answered.
3:30PM – Workshop on Financing Study Abroad
"How To Afford Study Abroad: Financial Aid and Other Sources"
Location: P-266
There are hundreds of resources nation-wide to help students afford to study abroad – some of these are offered by ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ. Come hear how financial aid can affect your ability to afford study abroad – at Santa Fe or through an outside program. There will also be tips on other ways to get money for studying in other countries around the world.
5:00-6:00PM – Study Abroad Fundraising Meeting
Location: B-216 (next to the International Education Office)
The Santa Fe "World Travelers" are sending in the paperwork to become a student organization. This group of SF students is going on study abroad programs in 2012 and is looking for ways to fundraiser for their programs. Any student wanting to go on any study abroad program (even one in 2013) is welcome to participate. Come to the meeting to discuss how money will be distributed and what types of fundraising should be done.
Wednesday, November 16
9:00AM – Speech Competition (Preliminary Round) Moderated by Pat Breslin
Location: Fine Arts Hall
(Round 1) Students will present five minute speeches on a variety of topics throughout the day. The preliminary rounds are scheduled for 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, 4:00pm and 5:00pm in the Fine Arts Hall Theater. The best speeches from each preliminary round will advance to the final round (7:00pm in the outdoor Amphitheater adjacent to the FAH).
9:00AM – Sweden Study Abroad Info Session
Location: S-328
Want to study Sociology in Sweden? Here is your chance to meet the faculty leaders who will be leading the trip, get an overview of the program details and timeline, learn about the SF Study Abroad Scholarship, and have your study abroad questions answered. Studying abroad is an excellent way to gain experience and knowledge from a perspective that you can't get at home.
10:00AM – Speech Competition (Preliminary Round) Moderated by Pat Breslin
Location: Fine Arts Hall
(Round 2) Students will present five minute speeches on a variety of topics throughout the day. The preliminary rounds are scheduled for 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, 4:00pm and 5:00pm in the Fine Arts Hall Theater. The best speeches from each preliminary round will advance to the final round (7:00pm in the outdoor Amphitheater adjacent to the FAH).
11:00-11:30AM – Costa Rica Study Abroad Info Session
Location: Library (look for signs)
The Costa Rica study abroad program is unique in its focus on Ecology and Geography and the fact that it will occur only over spring break. That means that you can earn 2 credits over spring break and still take any other classes you need over the Spring semester. Come hear an overview of the program, learn about the SF Study Abroad Scholarship, and have your study abroad questions answered.
11:00AM – Speech Competition (Preliminary Round) Moderated by Pat Breslin
Location: Fine Arts Hall
(Round 3) Students will present five minute speeches on a variety of topics throughout the day. The preliminary rounds are scheduled for 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, 4:00pm and 5:00pm in the Fine Arts Hall Theater. The best speeches from each preliminary round will advance to the final round (7:00pm in the outdoor Amphitheater adjacent to the FAH).
12:00-12:25 PM – China Study Abroad Info Session
Location: L231
Santa Fe has a relationship with Beijing Union University and will be taking a study abroad program there during the summer of 2012. Come hear about the general education credits you can earn, what you would do, and the Santa Fe Study Abroad scholarship. You will have a chance to have your study abroad questions answered.
1:00- 2:00 PM – Conversation Group with ESL students
Location: I-01
Interacting with foreign students at your own college can be just as exciting and informative as studying abroad. Make connections with students from different countries and backgrounds while learning or helping others learn English. Sponsored by the Multicultural Student Center.
1:00PM – Germany Study Abroad Info Session
Location: Y-102
Want to study business in Germany? Here is your chance to meet the faculty leaders who will be leading the investigation, get an overview of the program details and timeline, learn about the SF Study Abroad Scholarship, and have your study abroad questions answered. Studying abroad is an excellent way to gain experience and knowledge from a perspective that you can't get at home.
2:00PM – Speaker A. Samuel Kimball (World Humanities Expo)
Location: Fine Arts Hall
A. Samuel Kimball discusses a profound secret to Western culture that has been hidden since the time of Daedalus, the legendary Greek thinker, inventor and father of Icarus. This discussion will explore the labyrinthine mysteries of art and literature as well as examining the often cryptic relationship between history and myth.
3:00PM – Speech Competition (Preliminary Round) Moderated by Pat Breslin
Location: Fine Arts Hall
(Round 4) Students will present five minute speeches on a variety of topics throughout the day. The preliminary rounds are scheduled for 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, 4:00pm and 5:00pm in the Fine Arts Hall Theater. The best speeches from each preliminary round will advance to the final round (7:00pm in the outdoor Amphitheater adjacent to the FAH).
3:30PM – Speaker Naima Brown
"The 30-Minute Internationalization Experience: Using Skype to Engage Students In Cross-Cultural Exchanges."
Location: P-266
With the advent of the internet knowledge has become more accessible, geography has become more comprehensible and barriers between nations and cultures are beginning to thin. Naima Brown presents an inspiring discussion of the benefits, challenges, and practical steps involved in using Skype to internationalize the college classroom experience.
4:00PM – Speech Competition (Preliminary Round) Moderated by Pat Breslin
Location: Fine Arts Hall
(Round 5) Students will present five minute speeches on a variety of topics throughout the day. The preliminary rounds are scheduled for 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, 4:00pm and 5:00pm in the Fine Arts Hall Theater. The best speeches from each preliminary round will advance to the final round (7:00pm in the outdoor Amphitheater adjacent to the FAH).
5:00PM – Speech Competition (Preliminary Round) Moderated by Pat Breslin
Location: Fine Arts Hall
(Round 6) Students will present five minute speeches on a variety of topics throughout the day. The preliminary rounds are scheduled for 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, 4:00pm and 5:00pm in the Fine Arts Hall Theater. The best speeches from each preliminary round will advance to the final round (7:00pm in the outdoor Amphitheater adjacent to the FAH).
7:00PM – Speech Competition (Final Round) Moderated by Pat Breslin
Location: Outdoor Amphitheater at Fine Arts Hall
(Final Round) Students whose speeches have earned the highest scores throughout the day during preliminary rounds will advance to compete in the final round. First, second and third prizes will be awarded to the top three respective speeches in this round.
Thursday, November 17
9:00AM – Sweden Study Abroad Info Sessions
Location: S-328
Want to study Sociology in Sweden? Here is your chance to meet the faculty leaders who will be leading the trip, get an overview of the program details and timeline, learn about the SF Study Abroad Scholarship, and have your study abroad questions answered. Studying abroad is an excellent way to gain experience and knowledge from a perspective that you can't get at home.
10:00AM – Student Blue Ribbon Presentation
Location: Fine Arts Hall
Students whose projects are designated as Blue-Ribbon award winners will have the opportunity to present their research to a panel of judges and general audience. The very best projects will receive awards on Friday afternoon, ahead of the keynote address.
11:00AM – Interfaith Panel Discussion with speakers: Antony Eseke, Ziad Ghanimi, Eve MacMaster and Baba Ona Ogunleye; moderated by Rebecca McKee
Location: Fine Arts Hall Theatre
Speakers will share the views and perspective from three religions in our community: Catholicism, Islam and Yoruba. The panel will each take turns answering a small number of prepared questions and then take questions from the audience.
2:00PM – Speaker Roberta Swedien (World Humanities Expo)
Location: Fine Arts Hall
"From Russia With Love:, Sergei Rachmaninoff" – Hear the life story of the last of the great Romantics, a selection of his preludes for piano and the musings of Russia's celebrated writers and poets, Pushkin, Chekhov, Pasternak and Dostoevsky in this memorable evening of words and music with pianist Roberta Swedien.
3:30PM – Ecuador Study Abroad Info Session
Location: Library Floor 2 (look for signs)
Want to study Ecology in Ecuador? Here is your chance to meet the faculty leaders who will be leading the expedition, get an overview of the program details and timeline, learn about the SF Study Abroad Scholarship, and have your study abroad questions answered. Studying abroad is an excellent way to gain experience and knowledge from a perspective that you can't get at home.
2:00-4:00 PM – Movie " Cinco DÃas sin Nora (Nora's Will)"
Location: W-108
After the tragic death of his ex-wife Nora, Jose finds himself in an awkward position – he must see to his ex-wife's funeral before the Passover festivities begin or else wait five more days before the burial can be conducted. We find that coincidences are not always what they seem as Jose follows a trail of deception, doubt, faith, mementos of love and reminders of the importance of family. Sponsored by the Multicultural Student Center.
Friday, November 18
1:15-2:00PM – Expo Address and Award Presentations
Location: Fine Arts Hall
2:00PM – Speaker David Leavitt
Location: Fine Arts Hall
The Forgotten Virtue: Some Reflections on Humility – and Genius – and Anton Chekhov – and Alan Turing. The talk will address the virtue of humility; in particular its importance in an age that demands and rewards relentless self-promotion. Examples will be drawn from the life and work of the short-story writer and playwright Anton Chekhov and the mathematician Alan Turing.