Evacuation Drills, Aug. 29-Sept. 1

August 29, 2011

We need to practice safety procedures so that in the event of a true emergency, we ARE safe because we all know what to do. Accordingly, this week we are going to experience evacuation drills at the Northwest campus and centers. You'll be alerted to leave your building by the fire alarm.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, Aug. 29 – Blount and Davis Centers (we can't tell you the exact time or it wouldn't be much of a drill)
  • Wednesday, Aug. 31 – Northwest campus
  • Thursday, Sept. 1 – Andrews Center and Institute of Public Safety (IPS)

So what do you do? It's simple. You follow the directions on the 5-by-7 SAVE card that was passed out at Convocation.

Everyone must evacuate a building when the fire alarm activates. The fire alarm is transmitted via siren, the intercom phone system, and/or by verbal instructions from a competent authority.

What to do

When the fire alarm activates, faculty and staff should:

  • Ensure prompt and orderly evacuation by all students and staff. Do NOT use elevators. Take personal items (your purse and keys!) and close all doors when leaving.
  • Ensure that students/staff who have disabilities evacuate. Offer to help them reach the closest stairwell, then immediately notify the nearest police or fire officer of the locations of any disabled persons.
  • Move students/staff a safe distance away and, if possible, ensure that everyone has left the building.
  • Keep a path clear for emergency vehicles.
  • Stay out of the evacuated building until a college official gives permission to return.

For more information about SF emergency procedures, please download this PDF.