
Kudos to Dr. Dan Rodkin!

July 15, 2011

Congratulations to Dr. Dan Rodkin, Director, Student Life! He recently completed a Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Higher Education through the University of Florida.

Rodkin began the doctoral program in 2004, and Former SF president Larry Tyree was his first doctoral adviser. Rodkin's dissertation examined "Leadership Competencies of Community College Senior Student Affairs Officers in the United States."

"I wanted to study a topic with wide applicability," Rodkin said.

His research included a national quantitative study of current Community College Senior Student Affairs Officers (CCSSAO), and was endorsed by the National Council on Student Development, an affiliate council of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).

He examined 45 leadership competencies as established by the AACC. Current CCSSAOs were asked to rate the importance for each competency, and how well prepared they were for each competency when they first assumed their positions.

He found those with a doctorate were significantly better prepared than those with a Master's degree, and those with an Ed.D. felt better prepared than those with a Ph.D. Other leadership development practices that had significant impact on preparation included having a good mentoring relationship and work experience in Student Affairs.

Respondents felt their leadership development workshops were valuable, although the quantitative results indicated participation in leadership development workshops did not have a significant impact on preparedness. Respondents did comment that more education is needed on the legal and financial aspects of higher education.

Rodkin will share his findings at the 2011 National Council on Student Development conference in Denver in the fall, and has also submitted a proposal to share his findings at the AFC Convention in Naples. A colleague will present his findings at the National Community College Hispanic Council's Leadership Symposium in the fall in San Antonio.

"I hope to submit a portion of the dissertation for a couple journal articles, but first I have more pressing projects to complete for my job here at Santa Fe," he added.

Rodkin credited Universal support from the college as playing a huge role in helping him finish his degree.

He writes:

"Santa Fe's relationship with the University of Florida was integral in allowing me to complete my coursework, and I appreciate the work done by our Human Resources staff to facilitate this each semester. I also appreciate the flexibility shown by my two supervisors, Portia Taylor and Dug Jones, who allowed me to work flexible hours at times so I could get to class and complete my assignments. Last and not least, the Student Life staff were extremely patient with me when I took vacation days to write over the past six months."