SF Blount Center and CIED Hosting "Crossing Paths" Sculptures

July 12, 2011

What are these women talking about? The people of Gainesville have undoubtedly noticed the two life-like bronze sculptures outside near the Blount Center or CIED.

The sculptures are part of a joint initiative by the Community Redevelopment Agency and the UF Fine Arts Department to bring art to public places. Santa Fe was the site of the first "community" installation. The exhibit is called "Crossing Paths." Artist J. Seward Johnson designed the sculptures to spark a community conversation.

Read more in the two Gainesville Sun articles linked below:

  • "Statues to bring real life, artistic replicas to Gainesville" – Gainesville Sun article by Nathan Crabbe
  • "Public art exhibit meant to get people talking" – Gainesville Sun article by Nathan Crabbe

To see more photos (by Dug Jones and Joni Kilgour) of "our" sculptures.