RUE Festival Continues Today in E Breezeway and Library
April 20, 2011
On Monday, April 18, the Research in Undergraduate Education Workgroup sponsored the poster session for the 2011 Research & Creative Scholarly Projects Festival Poster Session, held on the Library porch and patio. Fifty two posters were submitted by Santa Fe students, who were available to discuss their research and findings with interested Santa Fe students and faculty. The top nine posters are currently on display in the Library lobby on the first floor, and will be moved to the Fine Arts Hall for the College Awards Ceremony held on Friday.
The Festival continues today with Creative Projects being showcased during class session breaks in the E-Breezeway and Oral Presentations held from 2-3 p.m. in Y-123 (Library).
More information about RUE and the annual Festival can be found at /rue.