2011 EarthWeek at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ
April 18, 2011
The "SF No Impact Week Experiment" (immediately below) is an eight-day carbon cleanse, in the sense that you look at your lifestyle each day and work on lowering some aspect of your carbon footprint, which is contributing to global warming. It's based on Colin Beavan's work as "No Impact Man," and is an interesting experiment and a consciousness raiser as you deeply consider your relationship with the planet. As you tweak your lifestyle, you just might find you are happier, too, as you walk and bike more, get outside more, eat fresh local veggies from the Farmer's Markets, etc.
You register online and then receive a free how-to guide. You can start your experiment ANY WEEK ... Sunday to Sunday ... do it with a friends or your family or your office colleagues. Start by watching "No Impact Man" on Netflix to get an idea of what it involves. It's fun! We also have a Facebook page for our experiment.
Watch the documentary "No Impact Man," sign up to participate in the SF No Impact Experiment, network with other participants, enjoy a "farmer's market lunch," and students get a free No Impact T-shirt.
This event starts at 11 a.m. in S-29/30 with the film; lunch is served as people come and go between classes. Lunch is served first-come, first served, to students, faculty and staff as it is provided by Sustainable Santa Fe. The menu is rice pilaf with locally harvested veggies and goat cheese, salad, and orange slices for dessert.
Sponsored by Student Government Programming, Student Life, and Sustainable Santa Fe
No Impact Project Experiment Website
"No Impact Man" documentary Website
SF No Impact Experiment Facebook page
Zoo Tour and Wildlife Talk: Tour the SF Teaching Zoo and learn about the challenges facing wildlife and how our zoo participates in species survival projects; tour starts at 2 p.m. at the Teaching Zoo.
Earth Day Celebration 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
- In the S Breezeway – Create EcoCrafts , enjoy poetry readings, lunch from Reggae Shack, a performance by the Percussion Collective (12:15 p.m.), and more.
- In S-29/30 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. – The documentaries "Dirt! the Movie" and "Deep Green" will be playing back-to-back.
- Leave campus at 4 p.m. for a Downtown Farmer's Market Tour
- Wednesday's events are sponsored by Student Life, Student Government Programming, Saints for Sustainability, Sustainable Santa Fe, SF Organic Gardeners.
- Tour The North Woods Teaching Area with Professor Linda Tyson – 9-9:45 a.m. Learn about the flora and fauna in our own 5-acre nature preserve right here on campus. Meet in the lobby of X Building at 9 a.m. sharp.
- Free Cycle in the E Breezeway – 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Give stuff away and get stuff for free. Sponsored by the Office of Civic Engagement and Service.
Santa Fe River canoe trip and springs tour with Lars Anderson of Adventure Outpost: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday.
Leaves from the Blount Center campus in downtown Gainesville at 10 a.m. Space for 27 students; cost is $1 for currently enrolled students ($22 trip deposit is returned when students show up on Saturday); lunch and transportation are provided.
There are still a few spaces left; currently enrolled students may sign up by contacting Krista Froiseth in Student Life, 381-3717.
Sponsored by Saints for Sustainability and the Organic Gardeners.
Julie Garrett, media relations, for assistance facilitating your story, 352-870-2924 (cell) or 352-395-5430 (office) or julie.garrett@sfcollege.edu