Reserve a Study Room at the Library

April 11, 2011

The study rooms in the library are already filling up for finals week! If you would like to guarantee a room for your study group, please fill out the online form, call the library at 352-395-5409, or stop by the Reference Desk on the second floor.

Please remember, April 18-29, the following rules apply:

  • At least two members of your group for small rooms and five for large rooms must be present in order to check out the room.
  • Due to heavy usage during this time, groups may only check out a room once a day.
  • During this time rooms may be reserved for a maximum of three consecutive hours.
  • Study rooms may be reserved on the library's website at least 24 hours in advance. You may also reserve study rooms at the library's reference desk.
  • If you do not show by 15 minutes after your reserved time, your reservation will be canceled.